sábado, 11 de junio de 2016


The president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Andrew House, has confirmed in an interview with the Financial Times the existence of the new PlayStation 4 console.

The new PS4 console was orld of the rumors that have been talking more recent months. According to the interview, the company is developing a new PS4 known as the Neo model, which will offer Ultra HD 4K resolution and better graphics.

According to House, the idea with the new console is not to replace the current, but offer another alternative to players seeking a better quality of graphics or have a 4K TV and want to play games at that resolution.

"The intention is that coexists and complements the standard PS4" said House in the interview. "We will sell both throughout the life cycle."

The president of Sony also confirmed that all games - or most of the games - will serve the PS4 PS4 standard and Neo. In addition, both consoles will be compatible with virtual reality glasses, Playstation VR.
According House, Sony did not wait to launch an entire generation because users are already used to a faster pace of innovation with the model upgrade mobile phones and PCs.

Although House did not speak of an official price, he did mention that Neo PS4 will be more expensive than the current console, which costs $ 350.

As for the release date, House did not mention a precise date but said he would not be at the E3 video game trade show, which begins next week in Los Angeles.

"We want to make sure we have a complete range of the best experiences in the new system we can show completely," House said.

Finally we know something official on the new console. Now it's up to Microsoft, which could show off their new consoles at E3 Xbox One.

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